Mar 11, 2015  I recently purchased an HDMI to RCA converter box to be able to connect my PC computer or my 'Acer Iconia Tablet' to my OLD TV and play movie videos on it. Then you know if it's an issue of your TV, the converter box, your PC or the cable. Too cheap as this cheap stuff offers its own issues as well. Like a copy protection issue. Are these copy protected video? Download the CNET app About CNET Sitemap Privacy Policy Ad Choice Terms of Use Mobile.

Hdmi Video Converter Box Not Working Download For Macbook Pro

Hey Everyone, I'm trying to convert HDMI on a Macbook Pro to SDI with a Blackmagic Mini converter and then pass that signal onto a Panasonic switcher. For this build specifically I'm using a Panasonic AW-HS50N. I know the convertor works because when I plug it directly into a monitor I get a good clean signal.

Hdmi video converter box not working download for mac downloadMac

But, when I plug into the switcher, it sees nothing. I'm running the system in 1080i for the record.

Oh, and I know the switcher is working ok because I'm also converting 2 Panasonic cameras with the same kind of converters and bringing those in on the first two inputs. They look great, no issues with those at all. I also moved those around to other inputs, all the inputs work fine. Any ideas on the computer? I've used the convertors very successfully with cameras, but I've had problems with computers and the HDMI to SDI converters on 3 separate builds.

I'm starting to think it may be time for another solution. But, would love to know if I'm missing something. It won't work. The HDMI to SDI converter is not a scan converter and the output is not 59.94, it's 60 from the MacBook Pro. The Panasonic switcher won't lock up to 60. I had the exact same problem.

It's not going to work. It's funny that if you had the MUCH LESS EXPENSIVE Blackmagic ATEM switcher, you could have simply used an DVI to HDMI cable, and it would have locked up your MacBook Pro. BUT NOOOOO - you had to get the more expensive AW-HS50N. For $3549, as opposed to the ATEM Television Studio - for $945. So guess what, you now have to bo out any buy this - for $995, and this will convert your Mac Book Pro DVI output to HD-SDI for your Panasonic switcher. Next time - think Blackmagic all the way. Bob Zelin ps - and yes, even if you had the more expensive you would have still had the same problem, unless you wound up getting the Panasonic DVI option input card.

And just like that I got a $2000 education.:-) Bob, thanks for the info. That is super helpful. I have been making versions of this work in a lot of systems over the years, but I'm thinking between the switchers or scalers I had in the mix it was doing the work of moving that signal from 60hz to 59.94. This time I got bit. We did look at going with the ATEM switcher on this build, but with the addition of a surface it was more money. Of course I hadn't fully figured in the scan conversion price.

Again thanks for the info. Thanks Bob, awesome info. Just wondering about one thing. We're thinking about getting the ATEM TVS at my church to switch between a live video feed and ProPresenter out of an iMac. Are you saying that we wouldn't need a scan converter for the iMac if we used the ATEM TVS? Cherry keyborad new for mac. Just a Mini-Displayport to HDMI adapter would work, and it would 'lock up' the signal to the right resolution and frame rate? Would it be a specific resolution and frame rate or would it match the other cameras coming in?

Hdmi video converter box not working download for mac windows 10

Hi All, I am having issues very similar to the entire discussion above and wanted to get a little clarification/ask for some advice on what I need to get in order to correctly output a new iMac through SDI. Here is a little info on my setup: Switcher: Grass Valley Indigo with the HD-8 Acapella Upgrade (Basically its just the Indigo controlling the Acapella routers 8 HD SDI inputs). Computer: iMac 13,2 - Late 2012 ( ) I first bought and tried the Blackmagic HDMI to SDI mini converter ( ) only to then after the fact find out that it couldn't be used with computers or DVD Players due to copyright (so the Blackmagic tech told me).

He told me to get the DVI extender ( ) as it would work to output the computer correctly to SDI. With the DVI Extender I had to unplug and re-plug in the input cable EVERYTIME in order to get the signal to show up. I am on the phone now with Blackmagic and they are sending me another DVI extender to make sure it's not an issue with this unit, but I honestly don't have high hopes for it. I have seen the Matrox Unit that is recommended ( ) here also recommended other places. I am wondering if a the Kramer VP 482 will work to do the same thing and if anyone has any experience with this unit ( ). It's only a little less than the Matrox Unit in price, but it uses HDMI (which is the signal format I am using so 1 less adapter would be good) and when your working for a Non Profit that doesn't like to spend money every penny counts.

Thanks in advance for your help/advice! Hey Korkie, Sorry for my delayed response.

I am very bad about checking my Personal e-mail at times. If you are uisng the Blackmagic mini converter that I linked above I can guarantee you that NO MATTER what a tech from Blackmagic tells you it will not work reliably with a computer. I was only successfully able to get the mini converter to work for about 5 minutes when I first bought it and I was told that was a fluke because possibly at that point my computer was not sending out a copyrighted signal. If you were to ask me I would recommend going away from Blackmagic completely for this conversion. Since I last posted I have returned the Blackmagic DVI Extender and successfully setup my system using the Matrox unit that was recommended by others above. It really is a great unit with many features and things none of the Blackmagic or Kramer products had and I especially love the fact that it is has options for either Stand Alone or computer control (In this case I guess you really do get what you pay for). I do have some other Blackmagic converters in my system working great, just not one to convert a computer signal.

Hope this response helps! WE have used the BM dvi to sdi, sdi to hdmi and hdmi to sdi converters for a while now. We own several different switchers for High res systems and HDSDI broadcast. These BM converters have been reliable with Macs and PCs both with every switcher system we own and routers with the exception of Panasonic 410's and 400's. With my mac hooked up HDMI to the BM converter i am set to 1080i@60 i am coming out sdi to a HD and going to a ForA, a Panasonic 410, a Analog way pulse, a Screenpro 2 a Encore, Pandora input card, a Barco sdi router and a BM sdi router and coming out sdi from a router to BM sdi to hdmi into monitors. All systems set to 1080I@59 and all see the computer and are able to lock except the Panasonic.

This sounds like a issue Panasonic should be able to fix with a software upgrade. Hello Sara and Everyone else, I have a solution that will resolve the issue of converting you Mac's video output to SDI. The frame rate of the Mac's video signal is the problem. If you use a DECIMATOR MD-HX Miniature HDMI/SDI Cross Converter with Scaling & Frame Rate Conversion, you can effectively re-clock the frame rate of the MAc's video output to the proper timing for your SDI input. I was dealing with the same issue and this is the only device that I have found that can resolve this video issue reliably. The MD-HX can be purchase from Amazon for $295.00 and it is worth every penny!