Crypto Wallet For Mac
Cryptocurrency wallet review 2018 Compare different types of cryptocurrency wallets, whether you are looking to store your coins online on your desktop or offline in a paper or hardware wallet. Before you jump in and buy your first wallet, we would suggest that you do as much research as possible as not all wallets are compatible with certain cryptocurrencies especially the new altcoins. There are many different crypto wallets available on the market; they vary considerably depending on the security, features and ease of use that they offer. Our aim so to provide you with a comprehensive review of each platform, so that you pick the type of wallet that would suit your individual needs and requirements.
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Regardless of the value of crypto you hold the emphasis will be on security levels. Generally the higher the security the more technical the wallet and vice versa. There are two main types of wallet, a hot wallet and a cold wallet.
What are hot wallets? A hot wallet enables you to have easy of access to your funds, through your desktop computer or your smart phone (Iphone, windows & android phone). What are cold wallets?

A cold wallet also known as cold storage is removing all traces of your crypto wallet from online to offline. A cold wallet is used for when you do not want to have access to your funds, you simply what to store your crypto away and have access to it at a future date. These would tend to be more secure. You may wish to use two types of wallet, a hot wallet for day to day transactions similar to your current bank account and a cold wallet to store currency similar to a savings or deposit bank account.

What are cryptocurrency wallets? A Crytpocurrency wallet is designed to store your private keys securely, similar to your own private bank.
Best Crypto Wallet For Mac
What are private keys? A private key is a secret code made up of letters and numbers that allow you to access or spend your coins. The private keys protect you from unauthorised access or theft of your funds. What are the different types of wallets available? There are a wide variety of wallets available, these include desktop wallets, hardware wallets, paper wallets, mobile wallets and exchange based wallets. What is a mobile phone wallet?
A mobile phone wallet is a type of hot wallet. Essentially it is an app that you can download on your mobile phone. This app allows you to store, transfer and spend your coins. You can spend your cryptocurrency by scanning a QR codes or by transferring to another individual using mobile phone touch technology. What are exchange wallets? An exchange wallet is a type of hot wallet. An exchange is an online market place that allows you to buy, transfer and sell cyrptocurrency.
Some exchanges provide Internet wallets and mobile phone wallets to store your cryptocurrency. However if you use an exchange to store your crypto, please note you will not have access to your private keys in the event that security of the exchange is compromised. Which is what happened recently to the Mount Gox Exchange. What are hardware wallets? A hardware wallet is a type of cold wallet, as it can be stored off line.
Hardware wallets are designed to securely store you crypt currency offline. You can connect the wallet/device to your computer or laptop using a USB port or by scanning a QR code. Once you have the device connected to your computer you can transfer your coins to the device and then disconnect and safely store the device away. Some of these wallets require a pin to access, such as the Trezor, Keepkey or Ledger wallet. The private keys are generated on the wallet device when you connect using a USB. When you initially set these devices up, you will be given a recovery seed, in the event that the device is lost or damaged you can recover the information held on the device.i.e. The private key, which will give you access to your funds.
What are paper wallets? A paper wallet is a type of cold wallet as it can be stored off line. Essentially it is a sheet of paper with your private keys printed on it. The private key can be generated using a JavaScript tool and is displayed as a QR code with 2 addresses. These wallets can also be used as gift cards. If you do choose this type of wallet, we would recommend that is saved in a fireproof safe or vault. What is a web wallet?
Best Crypto Wallet For Mac
A web wallet is a form of hot wallet. It is a wallet that uses a 3rd party web cloud. These wallets store public and private keys.
Desktop Crypto Wallet For Mac
However the 3rd party is responsible for the security and integrity of your funds. Therefor there is an element of trust required, considering there is no cryptcurrency regulation in place and deposits are not guaranteed.