1. Terayon Docsis Usb Cable Modem Driver For Mac

Downloading the latest driver releases can help you resolve driver conflicts and So just click upper link to Terayon docsis usb cable modem driver now. Internally, it's a cable modem with an internal ethernet interface between the cable modem and the ethernet card that the SRX configures.a quirk of what they had to do to get it certified. A PC could work the same way, with a cable modem on a card with an on-card ethernet interface between the cable modem and the ethernet that the PC would see. Use the links on this page to download the latest version of Terayon Cable Modem drivers. All drivers available for download have been scanned by antivirus program.


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Hey guys, I've read about 30 or 40 threads that people made that have to do with my problem, but none of them really helped. So here's the deal/specs/problem/etc: Background Details: ISP: Cox Cable Internet Modem: Terayon TJ 700 Cable Modem Platform Modem specs: 2 ways to connect: USB or ethernet Wireless Router: D-Link DI-524 Wireless Router Computers:1 Desktop and 1 Laptop (both Windows XP) Problem: I setup my own wireless network at home (this current one is a friend's) using a DSL Modem and SBC Yahoo DSL and had no problems - very easy and I did it all myself. Before setup, my friend's modem was connected to the desktop via USB ( NOT ethernet) and the Laptop was awaiting connection via the newly purchased wireless router via a wireless connection. Using the same network logic with my DSL Modem, I proceeded to setup my friend's network, but when I went to unplug the ethernet cable going from modem to desktop - oops! - it's connected via USB, not ethernet, and the D-Link router only allows ethernet connections! So, I troubleshooted and unplugged the usb cable from the modem and desktop, hard shutdown the modem (unplugged power), connected an ethernet cable from modem to desktop, then powered up the modem again. I went to My Network Places, View Network Connections (ya know, the usual) - on the desktop - and I disabled then enabled the only connection I had ( Local Area Connection), but it would never acquire an ip address.

I resarted, sometimes a great solution to pesky problems, and upon reboot, disabled and enabled that same connection again, but it still wouldn't acquire an ip address. I then tried to setup up the entire network (except for the laptop) - modem to wireless router (via ethernet) and then wireless router to desktop (via ethernet), but the router could never get a connection from the modem (and I know which ports to plug which cables into, so that's not a problem). So, I reconnected everything back to the way it was previously (Modem to desktop ONLY - via USB) and my connection was fine. Therefore, I'm stuck at the stupid Terayon modem I consulted Terayon, the manufacturer's, website, but didn't really get much info or help. I also think that since this is an old comp, maybe in order to use the ethernet connection (instead of the USB connection), I need to update the drivers on the ethernet card? However, that wouldn't make much sense since the wireless router also could not get a connection, further proof that this is a problem with the modem.

Terayon Docsis Usb Cable Modem Driver For Mac

I didn't work on it for very long because of time issues, but if you guys have any ideas, that would be great. Honestly, if I can get a connection from the modem to the desktop just fine using the ethernet cable, I'm sure I will be able to then setup the D-Link wireless router, then going from modem to router via ethernet and then setting up the computers. Anyway, I hope this is enough information and that it makes sense.

Terayon Docsis Usb Cable Modem Driver For Mac

If you need any more info just post and let me know. Any help is muchas appreciated. obededom Edited by obededom, 23 March 2006 - 04:42 AM.

I also have Cox. If you modem is similar to the one I have, each port USB and ethernet, have there own MAC address (Media Access Control Address). You would have to have two internet accounts to use both. Call Cox and have them provision the ethernet port and clear the USB port. Once this done unplug EVERYHING. Wait one minute then turn on your modem.

When all lights are one (about one minute) turn on your router. Then turn the computers on. The DHCP will configure you LAN from the modem back assigning the proper internal IP addresses.

That's right. Before my first post, I had only waited about 5 seconds after unplugging before plugging back in. After your reply to that first post, I had a little chat with Cox and they said to first try shutting down the modem, switching the cables, and then wait for a minimum of 30 seconds, ideally for 1 minute, until you start the modem back up.

Cox said that their servers need time to register the cable change, etc. So after that, yes, the problem was fixed. Edited by obededom, 03 April 2006 - 09:11 AM.