Last week, Gabourey Sidibe published an essay in Lenny, Lena Dunham’s email newsletter, in which she described being, where she came to buy glasses frames and some sandals which Taraji P. Henson had asked for. The saleslady initially told her to buy glasses at another shop across the street and then, when Gabby was recognized by additional staff, she was told that the glasses would work as frames not just as sunglasses, and given decent service. She knew she was being turned away for her appearance, she was dressed very well and she wrote that she was uncertain if it was because she was black or because she was a larger person. She also described how she’s come to expect this type of discrimination in stores as it’s happened her whole life, and she wondered whether to complain because she’s used to it.

  1. For Mac Guy An Unwelcome Kind Of Celebrity News
  2. For Mac Guy An Unwelcome Kind Of Celebrity Cruises

For Mac Guy An Unwelcome Kind Of Celebrity News

Many of you wrote about your experiences shopping while black and how you’ve been followed and had items snatched from you and it was eye opening to me. Thank you for sharing that and I’m sorry that happens to you so regularly, it’s outrageous and I can’t imagine how that would feel. More than anything I came away from Gabby’s essay with a better understanding of what it’s like to try to get customer service as a person of color, and everything was so well written and thoughtful that I also got a glimpse of the guilt and shame that falls on someone who is subjected to it. It’s not over for people when they step out of that sh-tty store. After that they have to decide whether to say anything. Well Chanel has issued an apology to Gabby and while they say the right words there’s a little something missing here for me. Chanel expresses our sincerest regret for the boutique customer service experience that Ms.

Sidibe mentioned in this essay. We are sorry that she felt unwelcome and offended. We took her words very seriously and immediately investigated to understand what happened, knowing that this is absolutely not in line with the high standards that Chanel wishes to provide to our customers. We are strongly committed to provide anyone who comes in our boutiques with the best customer service.

Chance the Rapper, Lil Xan & more friends of the 'Self Care' rapper take to social media to react to the sad news that he has died from an apparent overdose.

We do hope that in the future Ms. Sidibe will choose to come back to a Chanel boutique and experience the real Chanel customer experience. I like how they gave their “sincerest regret,” wrote that they took it seriously, investigated immediately and clarified that this isn’t “in line” with their standards. I would have liked to have read an additional line condemning discrimination and stating that Chanel does not tolerate customer profiling or discrimination of any kind. They did say it was unacceptable, in a roundabout way, and as far as corporate apologies go this was decent, especially compared to Pepsi, Delta, Fyre festival, etc. That bar is set extremely low though.

  • Nov 22, 2018 - No Unwelcome Content or Prohibited Behavior; Unwelcome content and prohibited behavior as defined. Works in progress, 'rapper-type' beats and beats for rappers posts are not allowed. I'm sorry for your loss, man.
  • It was a kind, delightfully normal response, especially compared to Trump, who prefers inciting violence to dad jokes. Trump, remember, once suggested he'd like to punch a protestor in the face.

For Mac Guy An Unwelcome Kind Of Celebrity Cruises

It still keeps happening though, doesn’t it. By now you’d think they’d know how to treat customers. I am past 50, carrying extra pounds, and not a fashion plate. I walked into Sephora recently to get another Anastasia brow gel and wanted some help purchasing a good concealer. The sales girls were chatting and one reluctantly dragged herself away to assist the old lady. It was not a pleasant experience dealing with her deadpan, bored face and barely civil attitude having to help me. It’s not the first time I have experienced ageism.

They probably cringe when people like me come into their store, heaven forbid the image it might portray. I get ignored often too. I think I don’t fit the “upwardly mobile” profile and I’m mot pretentious. I am white but that doesn’t seem to help me in these “snobby” boutiques. It has made me feel less than and “other” but you know what? Plenty of other retailers are pleased to take my cash. While it isn’t pervasive in my life, cause I’m not a big shopper, it can be disheartening.

It shouldn’t happen to anyone period. If I controlled the world it wouldn’t, alas my powers don’t extend that far. Also Gaboury is right about a person weight also making them ignored, as well as race, and a host of other things as I’ve mentioned. It is just sucks and really makes me angry. Like Gaboury, I have the funds too but I don’t “look” enough like their target or typical customers.

I eschew mani/pedis, am over 45 and growing at my gray hair. And shopping isn’t a dress up occasion for me, it is a military operation with goals in sight. I feel for her, and anyone like her, in these outlandish, insulting exchanges. Also, if you are so elite that you don’t want browsers, require appointments or let all of us (browsers, shoppers, dreamers, or shopaholics) alone to peruse your RETAIL establishment, a-holes! Yes to all this, in regards to how you dress. I wear jeans and a hoodie, hair in a ponytail, and I’m on a mission to buy things. The joy is absolutely not in the journey for me.

I got ignored in three stores trying to buy a damn bracelet for my mother – and I’m not talking Chanel. (Very Midwest middle/upper-middle class area) Vera Bradely, Brighton, and Alex and Ani. Every time, ignored for the girls in the North Face coats or VS outfits.

The woman at Nordstrom was very nice and got my business. It took 5 minutes of her time and I left a very happy customer.

I am 57 (soon to be 58) and not only am I “old” (in minds of sales clerks) but I am overweight! And part Native which in Western Canada.well it is the last “acceptable” racism. One time I went to a MAC counter with my bestie who is also “older”, overweight and more obviously Native than methe sales clerks followed us closely because why?

I go to one MAC counter now where they know me and know that I buy a ton of product and I get some bit of respect. As for Chanel, I have never purchased any of their over priced crap and never will. The sales clerks that were dismissive to Gabourey probably can’t afford the products either even with discounts. London in general drove me crazy for exactly this reason. I’m a jeans and t-shirt kind of person, unless I have a reason to dress up and then I do. I’m quite fine with that. People (not just sales people) judge you on your shoes and your handbag.

Given that most of the people who judge that way are up to their eyeballs in debt for appearances (and making the banks wealthy, rather than themselves by doing so), it was a good way to weed out fake people. And there were a whole lot of them. Kind of sad really, and more than a lot annoying given our situation. But reallywhat’s the point of “flouting” that to people who don’t look past your appearance?

They’re small and unkind and even if they realize that you are “worthy” of their attention, they’re not people who are worth knowing. They’ll still be small and unkind, but will think they can use you in some way to boot. My ex-husband used to apologize by saying, “I’m sorry that YOU got mad about blah, blah, blah.” It annoyed the hell out of me because he wasn’t taking responsibility for HIS actions.

Instead, it was essentially my fault for having an emotion or feeling about him and/or the situation. I think Chanel did the same thing in this incident with Gabby: “We are sorry that she felt unwelcome and offended.” Chanel is sorry that Gabby got offended?

How dare she! Maybe it’s semantics, maybe it’s not. Maybe it’s just Chanel. You don’t feel sorry for “an experience.” No experience was harmed in the selling of that purse. You feel sorry that somebody working in your employ CREATED that negative experience for someone. You don’t regret another person’s feelings. You regret the wrong or the harm your employee or your policies or your company culture (allegedly) did or created, which resulted in a customer’s hurt feelings.

“We take seriously your complaint about discrimination and regret you were made to feel unwelcome in our store. We will do everything in our power to educate and train our employees to welcome all customers with the utmost in courtesy and without reservation.”. Chanel is the worst. And yes, it is completely in line with their customer service standards.

I’m in my early 30s, white, good income but not so good that I can afford Chanel. And I was treated like dirt by some teenage intern at Prada once. I almost slapped her.

I went in with my sister a few times (carrying an expensive bag) and my god, the difference. To be treated well in one of these stores here (Germany) you need to show your money a.k.a.

Wear something crazy expensive, be Asian or look vaguely Middle-Eastern. Then you can walk in wearing a trash bag. These stores aren’t even wrong in trying to pinpoint who’s the most likely to spend tons of cash there (in my city these stores make about 80% of their profit from Asian, Middle-Eastern or Russian tourists) but they are so often so wrong in weeding out the “just looking” customers. And they are terrible assh.les about it. If I get treated like a nuisance, I can’t even begin to imagine what a black person in the US endures.

It must have been awful in that store for Gabourey. I am south Asian, early 30s, decent money, live in Germany.Enough to afford high end branded makeup and middle range branded bags and dresses ( ralph Lauren, Michael Kors: you get it)and I did see the discrimination I faced when I went in with my work Rucksack and when I went in with a decent ladies handbag. Also I look much younger than my age, almost always end up going to stores after a long work day looking frazzled. These people pay way to much attention on outside appearance.

Even sometimes handing out a high range credit card is not enough. To be honest, teenage interns / younger service people in general are more rude than the elder one. They lack the experience and it is the general irreverence of the Youth for anything that does not conform to their standard.

I didn’t use the word “Asian” correctly to be honest. I meant Chinese tourists and anyone who looks like them. Who spend TONS of money here. If you mean south Asian as in Indian, Pakistani etc. Then oh hell yes, I can just imagine. But it doesn’t really matter.

They should all learn to treat anyone who walks in the same. I have no problem if they start fawning over someone with a black Amex but don’t treat me like dirt. I might be a future customer. I have also noticed a difference when I go in and know exactly what I want.

I did that once because I was buying a present for a family member to give to his wife. So money was no issue and it was like they could smell it. I was wearing ratty Chucks and a mid-range priced purse but they KNEW I wanted to buy. All high end stores are the same. I had to go into Cartier to get my watch serviced and I don’t fit their “image” either – mid forties, dressed OK but not head to toe Chanel or anything. Might have been carrying a Vuitton purse, might not.

Anyway, half of the sales force is Asian in the downtown TO store to cater to their clientele and I swear they were all chatting to one another and completely ignoring me while I stood by waiting for service. I finally had to go and ask someone for help – to replace the battery in a $20K watch. She was still snotty – I wasn’t wearing any big jewelry – I normally don’t when I bloody go shopping, since I consider it a bore. They’re better at Burberry, and the old Cartier staff used to be lovely (when we shopped for wedding rings at least they were, even though we ended up not buying because I was very specific about wanting a Canadian, no blood diamond).

Vuitton staff is not too bad, I guess it depends who you get – and once they access your customer account and see how much you’ve spent they become positively gushy. I used to shop at Holt Renfrew (our version of Saks) and generally they were OK. Even when I went in jeans and a tee they would help, and some were positively lovely. But yes, in general, unless you are made up to the nines, in killer Louboutin heels and wearing a 4 carat diamond – they ignore you or help you with a very condescending attitude. It makes you want to remind them that they are, after all, sales people. They don’t own the store. Chanel is terrible.

So is Louis Vuitton. We used to have a Saks charge back in the day when my hairdresser worked at the Red Door Salon. My husband went to buy me a bottle of perfume, and no one would wait on him – he was wearing ratty jeans. He finally caught the attention of someone in the men’s department, who escorted hubby back to the fragrance area.

When my husband told the chastised clerk what fragrance he wanted, the woman said “You know that’s over $100.00? At this point my husband waved the Saks credit card from his wallet, stuck the card back into his wallet, waved his American Express Platinum card at them, put that back in his wallet, and slapped two Benjamins on the counter.

For mac guy an unwelcome kind of celebrity news

He was furious. The gentleman from the men’s department APOLOGIZED profusely, the fragrance clerks continued to turn there noses up at him. He never went back and we closed the account with a letter detailing his experience. We did receive a call from someone in New York, apologizing with the excuse that he was mistaken to be an “aspirational” customer, i.e., a “wanna be”. Even that was insulting. I had an experience at Ralph Lauren once.

I ran in straight from yoga to pick up a dress I had previously purchased and had been altered. They were dismissive of me when I entered, and when I finally got some assistance, they checked my ID twice before handing over the dress. I heard one saleswoman say “she must have spent all her savings on that dress, poor dear.” No, I just happened to pass the store on my way home from yoga. Other than my attire at the time, I would appear to fit their demographics and I got treated poorly.

I can’t even begin to imagine the treatment someone outside their insular little box would receive. And that nopology? Pure corporate bullshit doublespeak. Own up to the fact that YOUR employee made a customer feel like crap.

She didn’t give herself that feeling, their employees did. I’ve gotten the cold shoulder when I was younger and I guess I dressed like a kid? I rarely browsed in the fancy stores while living in France for this reason.

It’s very awkward to be subtly pressured out (and i didn’t completely understand my own feelings about it, but felt stressed after every time – and they were right that I wasn’t going to buy.) They are definitely making assumptions about who will actually buy something. They don’t want to have someone browsing regularly for 10 years through high school and college before buying anything. As an overweight Black woman, Gaby has very smooth skin and i think could pass for under 15.

Not saying they don’t discriminate overweight or black women who don’t look young as well, of course. Anyone planning to get her book?

Jesus Christ, the stories of these shops. If ever I find myself in this position (and I doubt I will, given that most luxury brand cosmetics aren’t cruelty free, and I don’t use leather or other animal sourced items) I would be completely remiss if I didn’t remind some rude twit that a website can do their job much better. And is probably far more aesthetically pleasing than their “I work here so I have to dress like a thirsty, er, aspirational, consumer of whichever brand” look. Until then, I’ll just patiently wait until the day Kate Spade, Henri Bendel and Marc Jacobs have more cruelty free choices. Although MJ cosmetics recently did go cf, yay 😁 Orrrrrr, maybe I should start my own “marginalized shoppers assistant service,” because dilligaf what you think of me, Ramona at the Mac counter? And no one else should. Plus, I feel like I have a more extensive knowledge on product than most salespeople.

In short, I’m the tits and the absolute worst 😎 who wants to shop with me? Salespeople do size up potential customers based on whether they look like they can afford to buy, and it’s incredibly stupid and short-sighted. I learned a long time ago not to judge people’s socioeconomic status by their appearance. When I was in college, I had a summer job as a receptionist at a financial services firm which catered to very wealthy clients. One day, a shabbily-dressed man walked in – he was wearing a suit but it was obviously very cheap and was so worn out it was shiny. I wondered if he had walked into our offices by mistake. He then asked me to call the airport to find out what the weather would be that evening before being greeted warmly by one of the partners.

After he left, I asked the partner who the man was and why he wanted to know about the weather at the airport – and he replied “He’s the chairman of our board, and his private jet is at the airport”. I totally get this. I’ll never forget the time I went into club monaco in high school and how badly they treated me – all but straight out saying I didn’t have enough money to shop there. The thing is I did – my mom had given me a generous amount of money to buy new clothes, so it was just rudeness based on age. And I was young, white and very thin at that point. I can’t even imagine the rudeness other people face.

My dad has money, for example, but dresses in ratty clothes when working around the house and the sales people are horrible to him. My best friend in high school was black and sales people followed her around stores. The snobbery, rudeness and judgement is insane. Do I think for one second Chanel really cares or is sorry?

I hate that anyone has felt what she felt. My favorite story to tell is when I was looking particularly unkempt and grungy, I went to the mall. I decided to go into my favorite jewelry store to see if they had anything new. I wanted to try on a ring that caught my eye, and the three salespeople completely ignored me. They even looked straight at me as I motioned that I wanted to look at something, and then they turned back to each other and kept talking. I was about to leave in disgust when the manager came out of his office. He greeted me by name and asked how I was, and how my (now ex) fiance was.

What those salespeople didn’t know is that my guy at the time used to be really great with getting me jewelry from that store as presents for special times and “just because.” (Wish he had stayed nice like that.) I would go look at things and then he would ask what I had been shown the next time he went there. As soon as they saw their manager ask me if I wanted to see anything, they tried to jump into action to help me.

When I told him that they wouldn’t help me and that I had been waiting a while so was about to leave, he gave them a dirty look and showed me the ring himself. I wish that I could say that I had a “Pretty Woman” moment afterward, but I didn’t. Salespeople need to learn what customer service means – especially these days. (Full disclosure, I’m Caucasian/Native American, but usually am called white and sometimes Latina. I was in my early 20′s back then, so was thin to pudgy at most, and I’m female.).

I am a white woman pushing 50, dress like a skater punk kid, and was followed around a Safeway recently by a security guard. I was perusing the tampon selection when I confronted the guy and made him admit he was following me under suspicion of theft. I asked him if he seriously believed I was gonna steal some tampons, and he said he surely did believe I would if he wasn’t chaperoning me.

At that point, I left the store and got my FH products at a Rite aid across the street. That Safeway will never get my patronage again.

Backstory: “Y U NO” Guy is used to bring someone’s attention on a particular subject or issue. Y U NO Pay Me Back? Y U NO Love The Big Mac? The expression brings together the frustration of not having an answer to Y U NO? Mixed with the desperation to get one. The unique facial expression worn by stick-figure character is believed to have been traced from the Japanese sci-fi manga / anime series Gantz. Rage Comics are series of web comics with characters, sometimes referred to as “rage faces” often created with MS Paint.

The comics are used to tell stories about real life experiences, and end with a humorous punchline. 🎭JUMBO SIZED FUNNY MASK - at 12 inches tall and 9 inches wide, our masks are big enough for the whole room to stare 💦DURABLE & WATERPROOF - handcrafted from Laminated Matte Cardstock to survive the craziest parties 👀INCLUDES EYEHOLES - precisely & discreetly cut so you can see them but they can’t see you 🎃PERFECT FOR ALL OCCASIONS - wear as a Halloween Mask, Masquerade Mask, to parties, concerts, festivals, events 🤩DON’T JUST WEAR THE CELEBRITY, BECOME THE CELEBRITY - The expression brings together frustration of not having an answer to Y U NO?

Mixed with the desperation to get one at Halloween parties, festivals & concerts.