• Install wget in Mac OS X Without Homebrew or MacPorts. I just downgraded to Mavericks and had to do compile it again. Copy and paste my previous example did not work because the./configure options needs to start with two dashes “–with” instead of one “-with”.
  • Initially I had just been using Atom and TextMate editors on my Mac and then ftp’ing the source over to the Pi to compile and run, but I had got to a point where I realized this wasn’t going.
  1. Errors Compiling Gnucash For Mac Free

Interesting problem: are you sure you tried to compile with GCC 5.3, and not an older GCC binary? Since 4.8, the '-Wmissing-braces' option should no longer be triggering warnings when using arrays-in-arrays without double braces -.

AVR/ARM Cross Toolchain for OS X. This document contains instructions to build AVR and ARM cross compilers on Mac OS X from source packages. Note, that precompiled binaries are available in our download area. So far, only the ARM toolchain had been tested on Leopard, running on a PPC.

If you are in fact using GCC 5.3, it might be caused by some platform-specific issue in GCC - just confirm it here, and I will patch the top-level CMakeLists.txt for OSX to remove/ignore the '-Wmissing-braces' flag (it is included by default with '-Wall'). Well this is very interesting indeed; it seems that the options your GCC was built with make it way more sensitive than the ones I use (4.8.2 and 5.4.0 on Ubuntu). The 'shadowed variable' warning is never triggered on my side, not even on MSVC2015 in super-verbose-mode. In this particular case, the local structure (the object wrapper) cannot use variables from the parent scope, but GCC thinks it can, and acts as if there might be ambiguity between names. I will patch all the culprit code segments in a few moments - let's hope that solves it! Besides, to make sure you don't waste too much time on warning-as-errors issues, I will disable this option in CMake for OS X builds. If you do complete a build after that, could you post your compilation output here?

I'll try to fix all warnings that pop up. Thanks for the feedback! Hi, I think I've already fix all the issues for now, some of those are only work around, here is how. I switched back to the original 'AppleClang' (and GNU GCC still has compile errors on my end) (For those who don't know, I use macOS 10.11 El Capitan) Fresh download the codebase 1).

Mkdir build, cd build, cmake. CMake Error: I used this one: and add a line in cmakelist.txt. make I just want to test what other error there is, so I commented the following lines at least posixmemalign works on mac.

make again it seems the compiler doesn't know the type of nThreshold, so I make the following changes. make again so I added the header file,.


finally the make passed and I tested some samples and it works the remaining issue: GNU GCC both 5.3 and 6.2 doesn't work for me, it has compile error e.g. Undefined symbol of cv:: and lv:: and 1) is really just work around, have no idea why HAVESTLALIGNEDALLOC is not set Best.


I have recently become frustrated with the new clang compiler included with Xcode 5. I was wondering what the best way to install GNU GCC on OS X would be. Things to consider:. I don't want to use MacPorts, fink, homebrew or any other third party package manager. I would like to use the latest GCC, compiled from source, if possible. I need the existing GCC (hardlink to clang) to remain the default, but to easily be able to use GNU GCC when I need to. I would like to avoid modifying the code if at all possible.

EDIT: Success! Using GCC 4.9.2 (with GMP 5.1.3, MPFR 3.1.2, MPC 1.0.2, ISL 0.12.2, and CLooG 0.18.1) I succesfully built GCC. Tips to take from here:. Make sure you use ISL and CLooG.

Yes, they are optional, but they make a more optimised compiler and I had trouble building without them. Make sure you use ISL 0.12, not the latest version (0.14). If possible, use the standalone Developer Tools, not XCode. (XCode has some buggy headers, and while I didn't notice any issues building GCC I have had issues with other software (e.g. I recommend putting all your sources in the gcc directory, rather than building and installing separately (it's faster this way). Make sure you invoke configure with CC=clang CXX=clang so GCC knows it isn't being compiled by GCC.

Definitely, definitely, definitely, invoke make with -j8, or otherwise the build will take about 4 hours! (With -j8, it took 1 1/3 hours on my Mid-2012 MBP with 8gb RAM.) ( make -j8 means make can build 8 threads simultaneously (4 cores + HT), whereas on a 2-core machine you would run make -j4.) Hope this helps! ISL and CLooG are mentioned explicitly on the install page linked to.

They're semi-optional. I've not had any problems with them.

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As to why your build is failing, I don't know. When I last built it on this machine (2013-10-21, between 21:35 and 22:13, approximately), I had no problems. Note that I explicitly did not install GMP, MPFR or MPC separately. I've done that in the past and had problems. I let GCC find the correct versions in the source tree and it builds and uses those.

That's the 'tip of the day'.do not try to use independently installed versions of the prerequisites. – Jan 19 '14 at 20:43. Use a pre-compiled binary specifically for OS X 10.9.x Mavericks: → Compiled using source code from the GNU servers. This contains current versions (4.7 is the stable release) of gfortran (free, open source, GNU Fortran 95 compiler), gcc (GNU C) and g (GNU C) compilers that can perform auto-vectorization (i.e. Modify code to take advantage of AltiVec/SSE, automatically) and other sophisticated optimizations like OpenMP. For more information, see. Download my binaries, and cd to the download folder.

Then gunzip gcc-4.9-bin.tar.gz (if your browser didn't do so already) and then sudo tar -xvf gcc-4.9-bin.tar -C /. It installs everything in /usr/local. You can invoke the Fortran 95 compiler by simply typing gfortran. You will also need to have Apple's XCode Tools installed from the Mac App Store. With XCode 4 or 5 you will need to download the command-line tools as an additional step.

Errors Compiling Gnucash For Mac Free

You will find the option to download the command-line tools in XCode's Preferences. On 10.9 Mavericks, you can get the command-line tools by simply typing xcode-select -install.