Jun 29, 2011 - Apple has pushed out the fixes for the Java remote code. Which currently ships with Mac OS X. Apple will no longer maintain Java on future. User reviews for Apple Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 10 - Java update for Leopard. HOWEVER -- doing a 'repair' type install on the OS did work. That Developer Previews of Java on Mac OS X be installed on non-critical systems. 'java applets' (disable Java in Safari and others) unless Apple ships an update. Sep 05, 2012  Apple has issued an update for Mac OS X installations of Java that fixes at least one critical security vulnerability in the software. If you own a Mac.

Oh come on, now don't be ridiculous. The majority of slowness in Java under OS X (though it looks great), isn't in their 'basic graphical algorithms' (end programmer specific), it's in the tools which we are given to work with, i.e.

A standout amongst the most intriguing highlights is the Content-Aware devices, intended to empower clients to expel content from a photograph and supplant it with a subtle fix, in this manner empowering you to modify photographs only the manner in which you need it. Meter scale drawing keygen for mac free. Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 For Windows: Profitability is extraordinarily enhanced with the guide of the Mercury Graphics Engine that enables clients to perform picture and video altering at astounding velocities.

The Swing API. Basic things like moving between text boxes, pulling down menus, and resizing windows are all up to Apple's implementation of the JVM. Although they're doing a fantastic job, it could still be improved a lot. This has nothing to do with the end programmer fixing up their own algorithms! This update apparently improves graphics hardware acceleration for Java (haven't tested it yet). It's still somewhat experimental, so you have to turn it on manually. With the new update, you specify the video cards for which you want it enabled.

The apple.com explain how to do this, but give the wrong path for the config file that has the names of the video cards your machine might support. The correct path seems to be: /Library/Java/Home/lib/glconfigurationlist.proper t ies Curious to see if there's an improvement.

Though the low-level stuff is blazingly fast on OS X, the high-level, especially Swing, has been pretty sluggish. I know you're trolling, but i'll bite anyways. Slashdot is completely configureable. You can turn on or off whatever stories you want; i turned on science, which has a new post almost every day, as does apple, but only gets 5-10 posts per article. You can do this with apple post/stories also. People who want it, will get it, and those who don't won't.

On the other hand, this is probaly an attempt to get more reader impressions, as there's a rabid mac fanbase on the web yet, and slashdot is making an attempt to tap that potential, not to mention drag apple users into the 'slashdot reality distoriton field', err, the main slashdot site. Apple.slashdot.org doesn't take up much more, if any bandwidth than the normal site, and only serves to increase readership. A marketing tactic, basically. Read macslash if you don't like apple.slashdot.com, they're the same thing essentially, just that one posts a story faster than the other occasionally. I actually wasnt trolling, i'm trying to stir some activity of some sort on this site, cause right now it's a ghost town.


I understand what you are saying, you are right, and you made some good points, but you are talking about turning off articles on the main site. People who just read the main site wont see the Apple articles, because in order to see the apple articles, you have to go to a seperate site. Why dont they have a seperate site for Windows news?

I dont get it. Why cant it all be under the main site? I'll understand if this gets modded down, but my intention isnt to be a troll or to be 'flamebait'. Not because of the Java content, but because Apple has indicated that they are really dedicated to updating OS X as soon as they can, in as many areas as they can.


Contrast this to the monolithic, nwfusion.com service packs released by MS. Apple did have that little macworld.com, but even that was corrected later the same day. I'd just like to give the OS X team at Apple kudos for releasing updates on a regular basis, and showing themselves to be committed to improving OS X.

If nothing else, it's fun to be the hamster pressing on the Software Update button and getting rewarded with food pellets every so often. Ever run Windows Update.there's always some little items listed under the 'Critical Fix' section. That's true - I'd forgotten about Windows Update.

Still, I prefer Apple's method for updating - whether they're fixing bugs or not, the spin is always on the added functionality. Critical Updates makes it sound like 'If you don't download this patch, you're fscked', whereas grabbing 10.1.3 is more like 'Here, take this little point release, we hope it makes your life better.' The biggest difference perhaps is that Apple doesn't have that many critical fixes for security, in part because it's BSD now, but also probably due to the fact that no one is banging as hard on OS X as they are on XP. (No one gets famous finding OS X security holes, but you'll get 15 minutes and more if you find a hole in XP.:). Obviously the Software Update version finder engine depends upon strict directory structures to compile a database of current applications. I don't know much about OS X's file system, but do they have anything similar to the Windows Registry, which provides a centralized database of installed apps? Does OS X have a desktop file for this?

I wonder if breaking the dependence on specific directories for system apps would be an easy thing for them to fix or not - if they couldn't look for the app where it 'should' be installed, would they just have to do a search to find it? Would that be a performance hit? Definitely a weakness of the update feature, though. However, with MacOS X the installer scripts continue to be intolerant of moving applications from their default directory (typically '/Applications'). For example, I moved the '/Applications/Mail' app to '/Applications/Internet/Mail' and MacOS X 10.1.3 failed to update it properly.

This has been mentioned on MacFixit as well. This was posted on MacIntouch the other day: In the System 6-9 days, Apple used an installer that used a quasi-proprietary file format known as 'tomes.' The tome-based installers supported HFS file descriptors, so it could write over a file no matter where it was located in the hierarchy of the disk. It also treated aliases with respect. Starting with Mac OS X, Apple moved to a package-based installer that uses Pax as its archival format.

Pax was not created by Apple; see its man page (type 'man pax' in the terminal for more information). The Pax-based installation system has two big drawbacks: 1. Pax installs files based on its path; Pax does not support the file descriptors used in HFS/HFS+. (The other Mac OS X disk format, UFS, doesn't support file descriptors.) This basically means Pax won't look to see if the item to be installed is already on the disk but in a different location. If the path specified in a Pax archive actually exists physically on the disk, then Pax will correctly follow the path and overwrite the correct files.

But if that path uses any type of link (hard link, symbolic link, or System 7-style alias), then Pax will blow away the link and create a physical directory structure as specified in the archive. In other words, it will not only ignore links, but it will overwrite them.

Apple Ships Fix For Critical Java For Mac Pro

#1 may just be a sign of the times, since the Unix world doesn't have any real concept of file descriptors; they've been sort of a Mac-only thing. #2 is a flaw in Pax's design. As a consequence of both, though, until Apple comes up with a better package system, it's a bad idea to move anything that Mac OS X installs from its default place. That includes moving stuff around and making aliases; it's broken right now. Last year when mac os X was released there was a lot of discussion on the Javalobby about whether or not mac os X was suitable for Java development.

Apple Ships Fix For Critical Java For Mac

One of the concerns raised by among others me was that Apple had been rather slow in updating their JVM in the past. Having java 1.3.1 on Mac OS X is certainly useful but considering it has been out for months on Solaris, Windows and linux it's a bit late. In addition, jdk 1.4.0 was recently released for those platforms as well so when is it going to be available on the mac? Apple and Sun (I believe they are cooperating)need to speed up the development if they want to lure Java developers to their OS. It's a fine OS no doubt, but being able to run an up to date JVM is pretty essential if you are developing Java.

Basically anything you start developing today will most likely be deployed on a jdk 1.4.x environment. I think you are misunderstanding something. This was not an update to Java 1.3.1, it is an update of the MacOS X JVM, which has been running Java 1.3.1 for a while. Many of the bug fixes here will benefit Apple's implementation of Java 1.4.

Apple has been working hard to get their JVM up to snuff and get the hardware Swing acceleration working reliably. Remember, too, that you cannot de-couple completely the OS and the JVM. This update required that you have the OS X 10.1.3 update already installed.

Apple ships fix for critical java for mac

Someone else said that Apple will have a preview version of 1.4 available at WWDC in May and I'd expect that the production version will probably be part of OS X 10.2 sometime this summer. A lot of us are wondering about 1.4. Some time ago, Allen Denison of Apple posted apple.com on Apple's Java-dev list which answers a lot of your concerns.

The short: they are prioritizing getting it right over getting it fast, but closing the release gap between Sun's and Apple's Java updates is a major goal for Apple. They are actively working on 1.4, and general speculation is that it will be available Q2.

And yes, as numerous others have pointed out, 1.3.1 has been out for OS X for about five months. This is just a patch to 1.3.1. Ok, before this new update the Java Runtime was already at 1.3.1. This update just made that faster and more stable in some areas. It is my guess that Apple will also have 1.4 coming out around the time MacOS 10.2 is released. That said, I am running Netbeans to do Java development on my white iBook and it works great.

With this new update it makes it much more reasonable in terms of speed and responsiveness. And I am glad to have an alternative to Windows for Java. As for applications being released for Java 1.4, that is just stupid.

It just came out and there surely will not be applications already based on 1.4. Most will safely lag behind at 1.3.1 where it is stable while 1.4 becomes more established. It also takes time for developers to take advantage of the new features in 1.4.

From what I read of your post, you do not understand the nature of software development. Being the most up to date with the latest Java spec is not always an advantage for an application. Often is bases it on a loose foundation which is not proven.

And from what I have seen of 1.4, it just integrated several Java frameworks which you can simply include as Jar files with 1.3.1 level applications. Nothing will keep someone from deploying an application with the same abilities to a 1.4 vs a 1.3.1 level runtime.

8 years ago This applet doesn't load properly in any browser. There must be something wrong with it, or (more likely) with the site from which it's loaded. So it won't do as an example. But it turns out you're right - Apple's Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 10 breaks Java in Firefox 4.0 and up. Here's a better example: When you visit this URL you get the missing plugin icon. This bug is entirely Apple's fault. For some reason Update 10 removes the JavaPlugin2NPAPI.plugin soft link from /Library/Internet Plugin-Ins/ (and also the ability, in the Java Preferences utility, to choose whether to run applets 'in their own process' or 'within the browser process').

JavaPlugin2NPAPI.plugin is still present on the system, where the Java Embedding Plugin can still find it. So Java still works in FF 3.6.18 and earlier. And so this bug is relatively easy for a somewhat sophisticated user to work around: Just do the following at a Terminal prompt. For it to work, you'll need to be logged in using an account with administrator privileges. $ cd '/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/' $ sudo ln -s /System/Library/Java/Support/Deploy.bundle/Contents/Resources/JavaPlugin2NPAPI.plugin But this isn't something we can reasonably ask naive users to do. 8 years ago I've just submitted the following bug report to Apple. Its radar number is 9713559.

Apple's Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 10 breaks Java in Firefox 4 and up The installer for Apple's current update (Update 10) for Java on OS X 10.5.X deletes the soft link in /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ to JavaPlugin2NPAPI.plugin. Firefox 4 and up require Apple's port of Sun/Oracle's Java Plugin2 to support Java. Java Plugin2 is still available with Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 10, and still works with Firefox 4 and up. But without the shortcut in /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/, Firefox is no longer able to find it.

So every attempt to display a Java applet results in Firefox displaying the missing plugin icon. One possible workaround is to tell our users to do the following at a Terminal prompt: $ cd '/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/' $ sudo ln -s /System/Library/Java/Support/Deploy.bundle/Contents/Resources/JavaPlugin2NPAPI.plugin But this isn't something we can ask naive users to do. Why does the installer for Update 10 remove this soft link? Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 5, released on the same date, doesn't do so. Was this just a mistake? If so, please quickly release another update to correct it.

This issue was initially reported at, and is being followed there.